Sunday, 8 June 2014

A few of my favourite things

Reading and baking- two of my favourite things. The dreaded second year university exams ended in May and since then I have been throwing myself wholeheartedly into my two favourite hobbies. There have been too many books to read and too many sweet things to bake, but slowly I am making my way through the very long list of things I want to do before the summer ends and I am thrown back into essays and course reading.

Blueberry and Raspberry Frangipane tart, Chocolate Brownies, Flapjacks

(can you spot the little nose in the top left hand corner of the flapjacks picture?! This photo was taken just seconds before my dog tried and failed to help himself to them!)

Coffee, yogurt and granola in South Kensington

So in the last week I have made my way through

Thirteen Weddings: Paige Toon

Johnny Be Good: Paige Toon

Baby Be Mine: Paige Toon

Johnny's girl: Paige Toon

Looking for Alaska: John Green 

I picked up Thirteen Weddings on a whim as I saw it making the rounds on Twitter and my curiosity got the better of me. I am so glad I picked it up and since finishing it I have also made my way through the two books and the short story that follows the life of Johnny and Meg. I am also looking forward to making my way through The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson which is a YA book from Paige Toon.

I also finally got round to reading Looking For Alaska by John Green. I read The Fault in our Stars about a year ago and immediately went out and bought all of his other books, I have only just got around to reading them. TFIOS is still my favourite of the two and I am planning on reading Paper Towns soon so I will report back! 

Currently reading: Longbourn by Jo Baker
I am already loving this book, it is Pride and Prejudice from the view of the servants.

Next to read: The Accidental Life of Jessie Jefferson by Paige Toon and Confronting the Classics by Mary Beard

What have I been doing?
London: V&A Italian Fashion exhibition 
Reading, reading and more reading 

This has just been a little glimpse into what I have been doing over the last week or two, I may do something like this every couple of weeks!


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